mPOWERASIA's pioneering efforts began with the Manufacturing Industry where TATA Motors chose COVENARK® over its international competitors for its ease of use and its workflow methodology. After a whole year of close engagement in the implementation of COVENARK®, a robust system got rigorously tested. TATA Motors went on to win the BSCOL Hall of Fame Award as well as Company of the Year encouraging other organisations to emulate what had been done with TATA Motors including TATA Auto plastics Systems Ltd & BFL Hydro.
Winning Strategies at Tata Motor CVBU and PCBU:
BFL Hydro is the World leader in the Small Hydro Projects arena, where mPOWERASIA has implemented COVENARK® to drive their strategy and monitor business performance. Periodic reviews have helped them to focus on critical gaps and improve their business processes, documentation and coordination between functional and operational departments, thus eliminating individuals working in silos.
A successful integration of COVENARK® with Voltas' SAP and Oracle databases has proven the success of COVENARK® Integrator as a powerful integration tool that pulls data seamlessly into the application.
"Premium Energy Transmission incorporates an end-to-end solution for their strategy deployment using the Balanced Scorecard. mPOWERASIA is the catalyst." A classic case of an end to end solution for strategy deployment and automation. Premium entrusted mPOWERASIA with the task of formulation of strategy and automation for transparency and ease of use.
mPOWERASIA provided consultancy for performance management structure creation for Pyro. The entire structure was automated using COVENARK® for transparency and ease of management. Sales, Manufacturing and Quality are some of the functions that were brought under stringent performance evaluation.