mPOWERASIA has contributed a great deal to the success of hospitality industry by developing an effective Strategy Execution Program and Performance Monitoring Systems. These bear a direct impact on business processes that drive profitability with customer experience and guest satisfaction as the primary objective.
Every Strategic Objective, Every Measure, Every Initiative that the hotel units need to focus on are built into the Scorecarding framework and cascaded across the organisation. Measures are defined and formulated bottom up, ensuring a comprehensive, consolidated information architecture that is made visible through intuitive dashboards and reports.
Strategic reviews help management identify gaps and initiate corrective action. COVENARK® has been the catalyst in this recursive process making winning strategies come to life.
Winning Strategies at Taj Group of Hotels:
"The Pride Group of Hotels" is the latest addition to the '5 Star Luxury Hotels' chain stretching across several destinations. Within a short span of time, The Pride Group of Hotels has undertaken a massive expansion plan with an objective to emerge as a National Hotel Chain, making its presence in almost all regions offering world class hospitality standards, combined with excellent ambience and quality of service.
"The Pride Group of Hotels" had been reviewing Business scorecards by manually capturing, analysing and reporting data through various spreadsheets and other Office application tools, thereby making the exercise very cumbersome and wasting hours of productivity and days of the senior management team and general managers at the unit level.
The organisation plan of automating their scorecards using COVENARK® and the methodology proposed by mPOWERASIA brings in the required culture, discipline and focus to achieve the set vision of the organisation within a limited timeframe and in a more structured manner. With an aim to be a profitable player in the highly competitive hospitality market despite adverse market conditions at various times, "The Pride Group of Hotels" has initiated automating their scorecards in different phases. Phase-I activities includes alignment and mapping of 13 scorecards at different levels which includes Corporate, 6 functions and 6 hotel units.